A Phenomenal Investment In My Journey Towards My Vision

By Morgan Niezgoda

November 30, 2022


The final project was a phenomenal investment in my journey towards my vision. It was relevant for my “core as a pro” career aspirations, as I gained valuable knowledge of Scale’s consulting efforts for their clients, and ways to optimize their best-practice processes that I can definitely utilize in my future job setting at PwC.

This reflects the investment in my personal capital in terms of helping shape my focus in consulting. I also was able to voice my opinions with Scale’s C suite staff and receive feedback, providing a great opportunity to establish my voice and take ownership of the project.

Although solar is not the market I will be working in, providing consultant work for this firm is the relevant industry of my future job setting, and provided a dynamic perspective that I hadn’t received from my healthcare consultant co-op. It presented new and unique problems of a start-up firm as opposed to established pharmaceutical companies. This represents an investment in my social capital.

Overall, this was a very hands-on, real-life project with relevant recommendations that I think Scale will actually implement, which is a very exciting investment in my professional capital. Moreover, I now have a great contact, Tom Kostopolous (CEO of Scale), who said I can reach out to him at any point in the future if I need “anything at all.” That is a valuable resource that I can utilize in the future if I ever need advice, potential job opportunities, etc. How cool is that?


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