Crafting Your Boutique Employability for a New Market

a sequence of virtual sessions for global talents looking to establish their professional presence in the new market


Saturday, October 8, 2022


Boston: 9 AM – 4 PM

Kyiv: 16:00 – 23:00


The “Your Boutique Employability” introductory course provides you with a sequence of FIVE sessions, which lead you through the questions and choices you make when deciding whether to enter a new professional market at the level relevant to your expertise. 

  • YOU: What are my options as an educated international newcomer? 
  • MARKET ENTRY: How can I enter a professional market at my level? 
  • EMPLOYABILITY: What should I focus on in crafting my employability for that market? 
  • INTEGRATION: How can I integrate into a new environment – culturally and personally? 
  • ACTION: What’s next? 


The course is a sequence of virtual sessions. Each session covers options and choices that allow you to feel empowered and ready to navigate your way in a new market. The sessions include short video presentations and practicums to clarify your options and steps you can follow IF you decide that you want employability freedom. It refers to the results of your assessment “Is Boutique Employability For You? and “My Glide,” explaining your stand towards your goals and options. The last session is a coaching session in employer outreach that synchronizes your expertise and the market of your choice.


The course is most relevant for educated people who are ready to enter a new professional market – physically moving to a new country or region or virtually positioning themselves as global players. Our special attention in 2022 is to people from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia who had to escape the horror of the war and authoritarian regimes. 

Meet the Experts

Dr. Julia Ivy

Julia Ivy, Ph.D. Psych & Ph.D. Mgmt

Julia is the founder and president of BE-EDGE Strategies. Her creation of the method stems from her first Ph. D. in Psychology and second Ph. D. in Strategy. She realized that corporations have strategists, and people have psychologists. People do not get strategy, so Julia created the first individual strategy concept, method, and tool. Dr. Ivy is an Executive Professor of Strategy and International Business at Northeastern University’s D’amore McKim School of Business and resides in Boston, MA.

Zi Dvoskina, MS

Zi Dvoskina, MS

Zi Dvoskina comes from Moscow and holds multiple international degrees in Economics, Banking and Finance (London School of Economics), Business Analytics and Administration (Northeastern University), Marketing Management and Digital Strategy (Harvard Extension School). She’s a telegram blog author (, giving Russian-speaking audience detailed instructions on how to get into an American University, get a visa, and legally stay in the US after your education, sponsored by employer. Zi is continuously self-educating on immigration and though she cannot give legal advice, she’s a go-to resource for all US-entry tips & tricks.

Dr. Marina Markot

Marina Markot, Ph.D.

Dr. Markot is a linguist and an international educator, whose experience has convinced her that cultural agility is fundamentally important for anyone trying to succeed in a cross-cultural setting,  educationally, professionally, or personally. Over her career, she has taught languages, served as a translator and interpreter, worked in international film and music businesses, until finding a fulfilling  career in the field of International Education, which culminated in leadership positions at Cornell University and Northeastern University.  Dr. Markot continues to advance her passion through SyncUP, a non-profit starting to serve skilled immigrants in the Boston area and beyond.

Secret Guest

Secret Guest







Event Schedule

When What Expert Duration
9 AM
(16:00 in Kyiv)
Welcoming & Plan and Goals for the day Dr. Julia Ivy 15 min

9:15 AM

(16:15 in Kyiv)

Session 1

WE: Becoming EDGE


Dr. Julia Ivy 25 min

9:45 AM

(16:45 in Kyiv)

Session 2
MARKET ENTRY: Your market entry options & available support 
Zi Dvoskina, MS 60 min

10:45 AM

(17:45 in Kyiv)

Break 15 min
11 AM
(18:00 in Kyiv)
Session 3
EMPLOYABILITY: Defining your focus and strategy for employability 
Dr. Julia Ivy 75 min

12:15 PM

(19:15 in Kyiv)

Lunch Break (Boston). Dinner break (Kiev) 45 min

1 PM

(20:00 in Kyiv)

Session 4
INTEGRATION. Cultural agility in a new environment 
Dr. Marina Markot 75 min

2:15 PM

(21:15 in Kyiv)

Break 15 min

2:30 PM

(21:30 in Kyiv)

Session 5
ACTION: Connecting your unique expertise with the market of your choice. Employer outreach
Dr. Julia Ivy 75 min

3:45 PM

(22:45 in Kyiv)

Closing 15 min

4:00 PM

(23:00 in Kyiv)

End of the day

Those willing to bring their unique expertise to the new market are welcome to apply

How much is it to participate in ‘Crafting Your Boutique Employability for a New Market’?

It’s only $25! We would love to make it free because we believe in the value of empowerment for employability freedom. However, the psychology of engagement says that one has to commit to starting a journey.

Crafting Your Boutique Employability for a New Market

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